Professor Dave explains modern physics
Table of Contents
- From Newton’s classical mechanics to Maxwell’s classical electromagnetism, it seemed that we knew everthing there was to know about physics.
- The universe appeared to be deterministic. If we knew just the location and momentum of every particle in a system, it was possible to know the system’s state at any given time.
- This persisted until the begin of the 20th century, where this idea started falling apart.
- We realized that classical physics worked for most earthly phenomena, but when taking care of the tiniest bit of matter, or even the fastest, it broke down.
- Modern physics was the biggest paradigm shift in the history of science.
Quantization of Energy
- The shift initieted in 1901, as Max Planck had solved the ultraviolet catastrophe.
Blackbody radiation and the Ultraviolet Catastrophe
- Blackbodies emit electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. Eg. Sun, piece of metal really hot.
- Most of the sun’s emition is on the visible espectrum, but it emits a tiny portion of UV and Infrared and smaller frequencies.
- The blackbody spectrum depends only on temperature.
- At around 4000K and above, the object will emit mostly visible light.
- Classical theory couldn’t account for this distribuition.
- It predicted that shorter wavelenths, would increse to infinity. As in reality there was the UV portion of the spectrum.
- This got known as Ultraviolet Catastrophe
- It was stated that classical electromagnetism must be incomplete
- Planck solved this problem by implementing quantization
- Planck proposed that the vibration energies of the atoms are quantized.
- Meaning energy was
, only being able to take up certain values from a set of accepted values - Planck then, developed the equation below, where n can be any integer, [\h=6.626/cdot 10-34J/cdot s\] AKA Planck’s constant, and f the frequency of radiation
\[\E = nhf\]
- N results in quantization, because it can only take up integer numbers
- However, this explanation was only used in ad hoc manner, but it allowed for the correct math to line up with the observation, at all wavelengths.
- Seeing how small the planck constant is, makes you realize why we haven’t seen it coming: energy is quantized on the tiniest of scales, hence its gradations fadded, so as to appear non-existent.
- This was the first time quantization would take place in solving a big physics problem.