Week 3 - my own writings

Table of Contents

Week 3 (Qubit by Qubit)


Quantum properties:

Discretness: Energy can only take certain values.

Superposition: Qubits being in a combination of two(?) states at the same time.

Interference: The state of objects adding up or cancelling out.

Entanglement: One object’s state depends on another object’s state.

Measurement: The outcome is often random and obeserving (measuring) you can change it.

Quantum mechanics: part 2

Wave-particle duality and the double-slit experiment.

  • Why do quantum objects show superposition, interference, and entanglemenet?
  • How should they be described (their behavior)?
  • Classical physics: things are either waves or particles. Which one of them should I use to describe what I see in my experiments?


    • Waves travel at a certain velocity.
    • Different kinds of waves have different speeds.
    • Sound waves are slower than light waves.
    • Waves interact with each other, they show interference. Interference can be constructive: two waves add together, or destructive: two waves cancel out.



    • Particles have mass.
    • Particles have a well-defined postion or location - they are discrete.
    • They move with a velocity.

Double-slit experiment is used to decide if quantum objects behave like a wave or a particle.


  • Particles would leave two lines on the wall behind the two slits (discrete spots and no interference)
  • Waves would leave a pattern of bright and dark lines, some waves are amplifying one another, while other waves are canceling out (interference).

Throwing electrons:

  • Each electron is a discrete spot on the wall.
  • After a certain amount of electrons, you get an interference pattern.
  • A nice example of particle-wave duality on my opinion.
  • This happens to all quantum objects
  • In quantum, waves can behave as particles and particles can behave as waves.

Case study: how large can objects get and still be quantum?

  • Article: Wave-particle duality of C60 molecules - Markus Arndt, Olaf Naiz, Julian Vos-Andreae, Claudia Keller, Gerbrand van der Zouw & Anton Zeilinger.


    • A possible condition of the classical bit or qubit.

Superposition and interference are very similar: both involve overlapping waves.

Explaining discretization

In a guitar, a string can take only specific shapes when it vibrates.

Specific shapes are a result of confinement.

The idea of confinement also applys to quantum objects.

If you limit something’s movement, it will also show the same kind of discretization (either a 0 or 1), just like a guitar’s string.

What confines quantum objects?

  • trapped ions quantum computers, AKA as some sort of artificial atoms.
  • Superconductiing computers, confinements are virtually created.

The unanswered questions.

  • Entanglement: Why does it happen? Is there just a mysterious link between atoms or is it something most likely more tangible and physical that we can understand?
  • Why does measurument change the state of the qubit?
  • Why is quantum measurument random?

and many more…

Some interpretations

  • The Copenhangen Interpretation (Niels Bohr and colleagues). When a quantum state is measured, it collapses to one of the possible results of the measurument - the most accepted interpretation
  • The Many Worlds Interpretation (Hugh Everett). There is no collapse going on, but when you measure it, you are splitting into a new universe.
  • De Broglie-Bohm Interpretation, AKA Pilot wave theory. The wave and particle parts of the quantum object coexist, like a droplet bouncing on a puddle.


Lab 13:

Note to myself: keep an eye on LIGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave obeservatory ;)

We used flytrap a bit on this week lab, a really cool thing. https://lab.quantumflytrap.com/lab

Guest speaker:

Dr. Clarice Aiello, assistant professor of ECE, UCLA Quantum Biology Tech (QuBiT) Lab.

  • Quantum sensing: using quantum objects as sensors. It is proven mathematically that by using quantum objects as a sensor, your measurument is improved.
  • Quantum biology: There are quantum objects inside animals that we can use and apply to our own technology.
  • Spin is a merely quantum mechanical property that doesn’t have a classical equivalent. It measures how well an object interact with a magnetic field.
  • There are some chemical reactions that are spin dependent. Ex: If a spin is measured by the environment to be in a state up, the chemical reaction continues to one branch. The same with the down state. And the final products of these states are different.
  • We got so much to learn with nature, as it controls quantum so well. Disease treatment is a way all this knowldege can be used.
  • Quantum bits can be controlled using magnetic field, same thing in quantum biology.
  • Birds, turtle, butterflies migrating feel and follow the magnetic field of earth (most accepted theory)
  • Quantum biology center out of UCLA. (wants to develop a quantum biology course - the first official one)
  • Book: Life on the edge; (introduction to quantum biology)

Author: Luís Spengler

Created: 2022-12-19 Mon 09:47