Week 12 - my notes
Table of Contents
Week 12 - Quantum Key Distribuition: Part 2
One-to-one vs many-to-one problems
- One-to-one: One output for each input. Ex: Update everyone’s schedule for the new year. Each input can be processed individually without affecting the other inputs.
- Many-to-one: Many inputs, one output. Ex: Update everyone’s schedule based on everyone’s availabilites, hence each input needs to be ballanced to get one certain output.
Quantum computers usefulness
- Search and optimization: find the best solution in a large dataset. Ex: Database search, energy distrubuition, climate modeling, portfolio optimization
- Is this just paralel computing? No. Paralel processing is focused on one-to-one problems, as quantum uses superposition to process multiple inputs (many-to-one) simultaneously.
- Simulation of quantum systems: use the same rules as nature at its most fundamental level to simulate this very own nature. Ex: Protein structure, novel battery materials, solar cells.
Relationships between quantum gates
- Applying H, Z, H in this order is the same as only applying an X gate
- Applying H, X, H in this order is the same as only applying a Z gate
- This concept can be used as transpilation. Sometimes you work with a computer that can’t implement a certain gate, so you can use these workarounds to substitute the desired gate.
Statevector vs QASM simulation
Statevector steps:
- Create an “empty” quantum circuit with no classical bits
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
- Add gates to this circuit
- Run it on a simulator
svsim = Aer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')
job = execute(qc,svsim)
result = job.result()
counts = result.get_counts(qc)
QASM steps:
- Create an “empty” quantum circuit with classical bits
qc = QuantumCircuit(1,1)
- Add gates to this circuit
- Run it on a simulator
backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
job = execute(qc,backend,shots=1024)
result = job.result()
counts = result.get_counts(qc)
Gates revision
- X gate: 180º rotation around the X axis
- H gate: creates a superposition, like a 90º roation around the axis
- Z gate: 180º rotation around the Z axis
Rotation Gates
- With the gates we have we are only getting results like \(0\rangle\), \(1\rangle\), \(+\rangle\), and \(-\rangle\)
- But we should be able to reach every point in the Block Sphere…
- That’s where rotation gates get into place
RX gate
- We tell it how many degrees to rotate around the X axis
- Telling it to rotate 180º, it will behave like a regular X gate
- The first number is the angle in radians and the second is the qubit index
RZ gate
- We tell it how many degrees to rotate around the Z axis
- Telling it to rotate 180º, it will behave like a regular Z gate
- The first number is the angle in radians and the second is the qubit index
Quantum Computing With Trapped Ions URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aOLwjUZLm0&list=WL&index=37l Description: Good introduction to trapped ion qubits, and also has a discussion of many-one vs one-one problems
The Emerging Quantum Computing Sector URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0VMhcjZ3lw&list=WL&index=37 Description: Overview of the emerging QC industry