Week 15 - my notes

Table of Contents

Week 15 - Multi-Qubit Circuits Part 3: Measurement & Entanglement

Ket components meaning

  • Take this state:

\[|q1q0\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle + |01\rangle)\]

  • The number inside the kets tell you the number of qubits
  • The number of kets tell you the measurable outcomes for this state

Measuring Multi-Qubit Circuits

  • Remember the Quantum Circuit model? Composed by input states, gates (perform computation), and measurements (obtain the output).
  • For a single qubit, measurements result in one of two possible answers. If we measure it using the Z basis, we can only get \(|0\rangle\) or \(|1\rangle\). If we measure it using the X basis, we can only get \(|+\rangle\) or \(|-\rangle\)
  • After the measurement, we know the wavefunction colapse happens. Our superposition gets narrowed down to one single state.
  • The probability of getting one state is defined by its contribution squared.
  • We made normalizations to be able to get correct probabilities. All because of the Born rule. The squares of contribuitions need to add up to 1.
  • We can still use the born rule for multi-qubit circuits

Entangled States

  • Entanglement is a very defined relationship, where if you know the state of one object, you know the other’s state.
  • \[|q1q0\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle + |11\rangle)\]

We can foil some quantum states

  • Just multiple the q0 by q1
  • You can factore it by doing the reverse
  • If a 2-qubit can be unFOILed or factorized, it is not entangled.

Entangled States as Circuits

  • Just because a circit has a CX gate, it doesn’t mean the qubits are automatically entangled.
  • To create an entangled circuit, you should always have a superposition in the control qubit.
  • Also, the H gate should always come before the CX gate

The Bell states

  1. \[|\beta00\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle + |11\rangle)\]
  2. \[|\beta01\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle - |11\rangle)\]
  3. \[|\beta10\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|01\rangle + |10\rangle)\]
  4. \[|\beta11\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|01\rangle - |10\rangle)\]
  5. These states are special!
  6. They differ in two ways: Parity, Phase

Creating the circuits

  • The first bell state: H gate in q0, and control gate in q0 (target in q1)

qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0,1)

  • The second bell state: H gate in q0, and control gate in q0 (target in q1) + X gate in q0 after CX

qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0,1) qc.x(0)

  • The third bell state: H gate in q0, and control gate in q0 (target in q1) + Z gate in q0 after CX

qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0,1) qc.z(1)

  • The fourth bell state: H gate in q0, and control gate in q0 (target in q1) + Z and X gate in q0 after CX

qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0,1) qc.z(1) qc.x(1)


Superposition and entanglement URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6Mw3_tOcNI Description: Video on the physics of superposition and entanglement

Bell’s theorem URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcqZHYo7ONs Description: Video on Bell’s theorem - a startling consequence of entanglement

Math of quantum states URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.01790.pdf Description: Detailed notes on the linear algebra of quantum states and measurement, including entangled states

Author: Luís Spengler

Created: 2022-12-19 Mon 09:47