Week 20 - my notes
Table of Contents
Week 20 - Quantum Computing & Beyond
Quantum Beyond Computing
- Superconduction was discovered in 1911, when Kammerligh Onnes cooled mercury down to 3K and it conducted electricity with no resistance
- However, a full theory of superconductivity was only created in 1957 (BCS theory) – by means of quantum mechanics
- SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference device) are sensible to tiny magnetic field produced by our brain – this was quantum 1.0
- We’ve gotten to quantum 2.0 when we improved those devices and were able to visualize quantum properties in these circuits
Quantum 1.0 & Quantum 2.0
- In quantum 1.0, we don’t need quantum to understand what is happening, but it is there
What is quantum about lasers?
- The color the laser emits corresponds to its energy (discretization)
The Uncertainty Principle
- A consequence of wave-particle duality
- The more exactly we can point out the position, the less exact we can express the wavelength
- It is also applied to energy and time
- We engineer around this fundamental idea!
Sensing Gravitational Waves
- Using “squeezed” states at LIGO
Quantum Tunneling
- Particles end up in places that they shouldn’t be allowed classicaly, like crossing a wall
- That’s how we can see through a window, or hear that lousy neighbour!
- Tunneling is easiest when the barrier is thin
- Fun fact: Quantum tunneling makes the stars shine – The energy limit required for two atoms to fuse is like a barrier
- Quantum tunneling is also used in sensors: Scanning tunneling microscope (STM)
- In STM, we move a very sharp tip over the sample we want to image, it measures how many electrons are tunneling and gives you a picture of this sample
Quantum tunneling in the sun URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS1dpowPlE8 The Nobel Laureate vs the Graduate Student URL: https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.1397394 Description: History of the Josephson effect, the key enabling discovery behind superconducting qubits Real-world Oracles URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/9911082.pdf URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/9607014.pdf