Week 21 - my notes

Table of Contents

Week 21 - Quantum Computing Hardware

How are circuits implemented?

  1. Transpilation
  2. Gates as Pulses
  3. Readout
  4. Display


  • We want very diverse languages, but not at hardware level
  • Sometimes you can’t actually apply some gate, because your hardware doesn’t have it, but it can substitute it by two or more gates that can do the same function
  • It’s like in a map, where the easiest way is to go in a straight line, but there are things on your way (buildings, cars, etc). So you need solutions to do the same things
  • E.g.: You apply a H gate, but in reality, you apply an RZ gate, a square root X gate, an RZ gate.
  • IBM is working on transpilation a lot

Gate as Pulses

  • The gates in your circuit get converted to a sequence of energy pulses
  • Different gates are implemented as pulses of different duration and energy


  • We make a measurement after all gates have been implemented
  • The measurement pulse is like one

Quantum Hardware

There are two general parts

  • The quantum chip
  • All the other components that protect it

Noise and errors

  • Qubits lose information in two ways: relaxation, decoherence
  • The first is called T1, and it represents a loss of energy. Qubits want to be in their lowest energy state
  • The second is called T2, and it represents a loss of energy and of phase. Qubits lose their quantum state due to noise

Errors in measurement

  • To measure qubits, we have to temporarily open up to the environment

Looking forward

  • NISQ: “Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices” It’s like the QASM simulator.The era of error correction. We are here.
  • Fault-tolerance: It’s like the statevector simulator. An ideal quantum device. We wanna get here to implement our stuff


Qiskit textbook pages on Measurement Errors and Quantum Error Correction Measurement errors: https://qiskit.org/textbook/ch-quantum-hardware/measurement-error-mitigation.html Quantum Error Correction: https://qiskit.org/textbook/ch-quantum-hardware/error-correction-repetition-code.html

Quantum Computing in the NISQ Era and Beyond URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.00862 Description: Paper by Prof. John Preskill discussing the outlook for quantum computing

Quantum Error Correction: An Introductory Guide URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.11157 Description: Into to QEC techniques

Author: Luís Spengler

Created: 2022-12-19 Mon 09:48