An introduction to Linear Algebra - my notes.

Table of Contents

This collection

This is basically a summary from Essence of Linear Algebra: A Video Playlist by 3Blue1Brown

I plan on digging down on Linear Algebra soon and so, I will probably have another (and more advanced) summary for you to read in the future :)

Why Linear Algebra

Here’s just a fraction of what you can do with linear algebra

The article above should explain everything, I am lazy to type it all here xD

But the reason why I am interested in learning this is because linear algebra is a tool every physicist either in particle physics or in quantum mechanics should know.

What is a vector

  • You can see it from 3 perspectives: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science
    • Physics: Vectors are arrows pointing in space and they are defined by their length and the direction they are pointing towards to. As long as these are the same, no matter where in space they are. They are the same.
    • Computer Science: Vectores are defined in a matrix. In here, vector is just a fancy word for list.

\[\begin{bmatrix}Item a\\Item b\end{bmatrix}\]

  • Math: In Linear algebra, it’s almost always the case that the vector will be rooted to the origin.

Author: Luís Spengler

Created: 2023-03-28 Tue 08:22